Sunday, September 11, 2005

Overheard at the Housewarming.

The housewarming turned out to be a great party, and everyone enjoyed themselves. Twenty people were there that I had never seen before in my life, which is a good sign. The Baliff brought a chocolate cake which was consumed in fifteen minutes. One guy accidentally rolled around in frosting, while Mike's couch was on the tail end of a party foul. But most of all, everyone had fun, and we'll do it again soon. Now, some memorable quotes from the evening.

A: "I fucking hate this fucking game. Fuck!"
B: "You shouldn't say fuck so much, the people won't like it."
A: "How else am I supposed to describe things? I don't want to drink this... beer?"

A: "Yeah, we pay $2600 for the three of us."
B: "So, that's not bad. $700 each."
A: "No."

A: "Hey, when attractive strangers show up to your party, you know you're doing a good job."

A: "Who the fuck put on Chicago?"
B: "Um, I did. Are you mad?"
A: "I fucking LOVE Chicago."

(while interrupting the European girls' karaoke of Chicago's "You're The Inspiration")
A: "So, did The Karate Kid make it over to Sweden?"
B: (no response)

A: "Yeah, you look sexy in that boa."
B: "OK, well, thanks."
A: "Phew, it was hard to say that without stifling a laugh."
B: "I hate you."

A: "Stop being a pussy and finish your Cold Duck."

Good times. Have a nice week.


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