Sunday, May 15, 2005

Bay To Breakers

BTB: Downtown Keg Stand
Originally uploaded by jeffypoo.
I... I dunno. I woke up at 5:30 this morning, put on a silver Puma tracksuit and Mafia glasses, went to the Haight, then downtown, walked seven and a half miles across the city, and... well, I'm largely speechless. I guess if anarchists had their way, it would be a Sunday stroll. It was weird, but weirder that we all accepted what was going on as normal, acceptable, and natural.

I'm just going to make a list of what I saw today, and take a shower.

-- Coroners wheeling a bodybag into a truck (on Oak & Fillmore in the cab on the way to the staging area)
-- 15 people dressed up as slices of bread
-- 12 naked people
-- A mobile Keg-A-Mid with functioning radio and grill
-- Thousands of airborne tortillas
-- Costumes: dozens of Superheroes, a carousel, ketchup, mustard, crayons, gorillas, the 12 Galaxies guy, a pack of Amish, Party Boy, many bumblebees, Tigger (in our pack), Jesus, many Popes & cardinals, a take-out box, soy sauce, beer cans, and many more
-- Mobile contraptions: beer volcano, Keg-A-Mid, Transbeerica Tower, Mystery Machine, Popemobile, Kappa Sig chariot, Wright Brothers aircraft, 40-foot long train, shopping cart upon shopping cart, mobile putting green, Tiki bar
-- Debauchery: keg stands in the streets, open containers, a hippie girl totally wipe out on a path in Golden Gate Park, an avalanche of red cups, and costumed animals toking up.
-- My friends racing buck naked into the ocean for a skinny dip.

Yeah, um. OK, that's just not allowed anywhere else. Hope the government doesn't find out.

More pics here. I gotta get a hold on reality again. Have fun, kids.


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